I had my novel in a long Doc file and I couldn’t keep track of everything. Here is an example of what yWriter looks like. For the characters – everything you know about them can be saved in their profile. I go back and look all the time to make sure I have all the details right. ( but I strongly recommend that you do … I have a picture of the house that is a main setting saved in this. There are other features like character and location records, but you don’t have to use them. For example, instead of having a long Doc file with your novel in, yWriter keeps it in chapters and scenes. There are programs out there which make wild claims about writing your novel for you, but yWriter is simple an organizational tool. It’s project management software for authors. Several people have asked for more information on this program, and since I’m fairly new to it still who better to share with you the program than the creator itself! I had the privilege of interviewing Simon Hayes, the creator of yWriter and other fabulous programs. >In a recent post I mentioned a program that I am using for my latest novel.